Monday 19 August 2013

Two Feet -- How to save your money.


...with the advent of self-published novels via Amazon you pretty much can lay your hands on a novella for less than $3.00 -- +Kindle Fire and -- competition is rife and from what I read, self-published authors are now topping the one million mark, plus. Like all things in life, we are all out there looking for the angle, the market, the means, to get our books read, to get recognised and chase the dream. Dare I add, a glimpse of the dream as I'm not that naive.
So I was thinking -- what do you get for $3.00 nowadays? Not much -- just on a litre of gasoline here in the UK and not even a pint of beer. Ten cigarettes if you are lucky and half-hour parking spot in an over-crowded parking lot where some idiot will bend your fender without leaving an apology so consequently that half hour will cost you a few hundred pounds.
I'm no mathematician, +The Economist, but analysing TWO FEET, the novella, I'm suggesting your $3.00 is pretty good value for your time:

Here's how I roughly figured it out:

A WORM UP YOUR BUM: entire chapter dedicated on how to eradicate the little bastard worm common to people in Africa, with thanks to the medical advice of a now deceased Sangoma. (Ask your local GP for this advice and you will be re-mortgaging your house).

CORPORAL PUNISHMENT: to survive six lashes of the best by a devout, +Marvel Comics reading, religious schoolteacher -- as corporal punishment is now "banned" this chapter may not offer much other than for you to remind your children as to how it was in "those days"! Parental advice is costly, but here you can gather it for less than $3.00. Not bad, me thinks.

...numerous chapters and thoughts on the disappearance of your father. Without the gloom but, admittedly, with a touch of salt and tears. What you learn by reading this is solely up to you -- but I cannot put a price on sharing such a loss, such a journey, so I will leave this open to your own interpretation: hoping, in our little way, that it has saved you the cost of a therapist simply by realising that you are not alone. Worth the $3.00 spend so I feel.

...this may read as foolish, but we ALL, daily, deal with our warrior -- be he within, be he on the outside. He's your creation, your light, your escape. Dealing with your warrior will inspire and often deflate, but his guidance is imperative. Take heed of his words and his hand. Travel his road for less than $3.00 and, hopefully, you smile at the end of the road (...if there is one!)

THE INDIAN DOCTOR FROM CALCUTTA: to arrive in a small town with your dreams and have them dashed, until you learn the way of the people. If you are in business, are a manager, take heed of our Doctor in Two Feet -- there are always parallels, comparisons. Be it now, be it then -- he may have a problem with chickens shitting on his car, but don't we all ? So here's some business advice...for less than $3.00.

...saying more will give it away -- which is almost what it is now, a GIVE-AWAY -- but no matter what the price, there's always something worthwhile between the covers.  Spend it, but spend it wisely --

...As always I look forward to your comments (there's a box that can be ticked at the end of this Blog -- it's easy to do...use your wrist...and enjoy the spend...enjoy the read -- for $3.00 you get to read eleven years of my life -- that can't be so bad, can it??

$3.00 well spent here!!

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