Wednesday 20 March 2013

Two Feet - Quote of the day you have probably realised, Two Feet is about a boy's journey. Most stories are ALL about a journey. Nothing new in that revelation I'm sure, but when sitting down and struggling to write, I tried to focus on one thing: a road. Something we all travel, everyday, no matter the circumstances. It helped keep me focused on that horizon...that skyline, that conclusion. Let's not even ask how long that road is!!! are today's quotes from the faithful warrior and I've attached a titbit at the end as a little bonus ( you lucky lot you) in order to bribe a comment or two of you! 
Mabuza once told me that in order to find the road; you might need to make a clearing through the thorns to get to it first.
 Mabuza once told me that if your road is long, dream a little as you walk. This will shorten the road.
I wonder, dying father, as you rest on that thin bed with the rusty springs, listening to the creaking of the tin roof above and the distant cry of a child, if you would have had the answers to my questions.
I wonder how you would have answered those questions.
Would you have sat me on your lap and smiled as I asked my question?
Would you have felt proud even if my question was a stupid one?
Would you have been impatient with my youthful curiosity?
I wonder what questions you ask yourself now as you await the afternoon visit from the Indian doctor from Calcutta and the nurse from Abuja, Nigeria.
I think, as the flickering flame of the paraffin lamp beside your bed attracts a disorientated moth, you are asking the same question that I feared to ask Meneer Gerber. the plot, as they say, thickens!
Thanks for reading and hope you visit the website that I am panel-beating daily.

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